【20190913】来自Mary Ann的信

I didn’t know that your friend was translating your emails for you.  I totally understand that anything on my website is a lot of English. And a lot of work.   It doesn’t need for you to do that.

I am going to be in Taiwan in March 2020 and offering some workshops according to type. 

Do you have a way to get in touch with Human Design Asia in Taiwan?

Yes, it is good to play with your sounds so that they can come out more easily. 

The one thing I can say is that the mind is what worries.  You are not your mind.

This is what my strategy & authority brought me.  To get to the true essence of me and not live by what my mind thinks. 

Don’t change anything in your life.  Just live it as it is.  Then when something comes to you – see if you can make a sound.

Life gives us what we need but not what our minds wants.  

Love from Mary Ann


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